

eg logo

This network has been set up by a group of school leaders, interested in fostering a growth mindset across and within their schools.  As a network of schools we are committed to developing a culture of excellence and aspiration in everything we do within our whole community.

By doing this we will:

  • Raise aspirations of students, staff, families and the whole community
  • Develop and instil a desire for learning that is deep and lasting
  • Foster a growth mindset
  • Transform the life chances of our young people by realising their potential

We believe that this is achieved by embedding the following qualities and attributes of ‘Excellence & Growth’:

  • An ethic of hard work and deliberate practice – with a view to mastering key academic content and skills;
  • A culture and expectation of excellence – through academic rigour, challenge and high expectations;
  • Perseverance and resilience – so developing an understanding that struggle and overcoming obstacles are both key to success;
  • An ability to think critically and solve problems;
  • An appreciation and understanding of feedback and critique– as a means of developing a deep learning;
  • An ability to communicate ideas well and work collaboratively.

growth mindset


The network of schools will support each other with this by:

  • Sharing case studies of strategies and techniques that schools have used to develop growth and excellence through a regularly updated blog;
  • Share blog articles relating to developing a Growth Mindset;
  • Sharing knowledge and resources;
  • Offering consultancy support for schools;
  • Facilitating collaborative work and visits between schools;
  • Organising annual conferences to share best practice;
  • Organising webinars to support collaboration and development.

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3 thoughts on “About

  1. Pingback: A Pedagogical Model for Excellence & Growth | Full On Learning

  2. Pingback: A Pedagogical Model for Excellence & Growth | learning@larkmead

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